Dr. Sibylle Braungardt, Dr. Veit Buerger, Energy & Climate Policy Researchers

What motivates you to teach in the EES major at UCF?

We enjoy the interactive and interdisciplinary teaching environment at UCF and the high involvement of the students participating in the course.

Please describe briefly the subject you teach within EES.

The course “Energy Transitions and Policy” focuses on the dynamics of energy transitions and the role of public policy in shaping such processes. We cover key strategies and policy instruments supporting energy efficiency and renewable energies at different governance levels including the national, European and local levels. The content of the course is inherently interdisciplinary, focusing on the economic, social, technological and environmental challenges related to energy transitions.

What about your course and your field of expertise do you consider particularly relevant to the vast field of EES?

In view of the huge global efforts that are needed to mitigate climate change, we consider it important that students understand the role of policy in facilitating the required transitions. Drawing on our experience as researchers and consultants at the Climate and Energy division at Oeko-Institut, along with the theoretical background, our course provides practical insights into current policy-making processes in the areas of energy efficiency and renewable energies.


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