Nice, you have also found your way to our new website! First of all, we want to invite you to check out all the cool information about possibilities with EES at UCF. Explore courses offered at UCF and the jungle of interesting courses at the university. Get to know better some of our professors. Meet more of your peers and where EES has taken them (and where they have taken EES). Learn more about study projects and B.Sc. theses submitted at UCF. Discover whether Las and especially EES suits to you!
We hope you like what you see so far and that we got you hooked as well. If you are not already participating in our knowledge exchange but have some interesting courses, graduate programs, a project or maybe even your own EES testimonial to share, please get in touch with us!
If you want to stay tuned about events, topics related to EES or simply wonder about when to turn in the latest assignment, be sure to join our EES students group on Facebook. For regular information on the major and meetings with Sabine, register for the “EES Interest Group” on Ilias (Info Board >> Major Interest Groups >> EES).