What motivates you to teach at UCF? Passing on my experience and passion to the interested minds, hungry for self-education and critical thinking, is the very best way how to ensure that our world of tomorrow will be in good hands. Please describe briefly the subject you teach within Earth & Environmental Science or Sustainability…
Courses @UCF
Below you will find all EES courses which are offered at UCF. There are basic courses all EES majors have to take and advanced courses which you can choose more freely according to your interests in order to meet the module requirements. You can only take one course per module. If there are different courses…
Dr. Sibylle Braungardt, Dr. Veit Buerger, Energy & Climate Policy Researchers
What motivates you to teach in the EES major at UCF? We enjoy the interactive and interdisciplinary teaching environment at UCF and the high involvement of the students participating in the course. Please describe briefly the subject you teach within EES. The course “Energy Transitions and Policy” focuses on the dynamics of energy transitions and…
Resilienz & Kollaps ökologisch-ökonimischer Systeme
Course Resilienz und Kollaps ökologisch-ökonomischer Systeme Instructor Prof. Dr. Staefan Baumgärtner, Yuki Henselek, M.Sc. (SS 19) stefan.baumgaertner[at]ere.uni-freiburg.de yuki.henselek[at]ere.uni-freiburg.de Prerequisites Introduction to EES Corresponding module Specialization Option: EES I or II, Human and the Environment Resilienz bezeichnet die Fähigkeit eines Systems, seine wesentlichen Strukturen und Funktionen auch unter Störungen und Stress aufrecht zu erhalten. Für die…
Material Life Cycles
Course Material Life Cycles Instructor Prof. Dr. Stefan Hiermaier, Dr. Sebastian Kilchert, Georg Clemens Ganzenmüller Prerequisites Advanced EES students Corresponding module Specialization Option: EES I or II, Electives (Courses of other degree programs) Der Inhalt der Vorlesung teilt sich in drei Themengebiete. Im ersten Teil werden die gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen betrachtet, die in den letzten Jahren…
Fundamentals of Resilience
Course Fundamentals of Resilience Instructor Prof. Dr. Stefan Hiermaier, Dr. Georg Clemens Ganzenmüller Prerequisites Advanced EES students Corresponding module Specialization Option: EES I or II, Electives The lecture provides a clear understanding of the term “resilience” in an engineering context, specifically as compared to stability, robustness, flexibility or failure safety. Students realize that failure of…
Energy Storage
Course Energy Storage Instructor Dr. Matthias Vetter, Dr. Peter Schossig, Dr. Tom Smolinka Prerequisites Course Energy Technologies at UCF Corresponding module Specialization Option: EES I or II, Electives DescriptionIntroduction and motivation energy storage (electric, thermal, PtG): Large-scale integration of renewable energies and the role of energy storage; Technical requirements of power grids; Overview energy storage…
Emerging & Future Photovoltaic Options
Course Emerging and Future Photovoltaic Technology Options Instructor Dr. Jan Christoph Goldschmidt jan.christoph.goldschmidt[at]ise.fraunhofer.de Prerequisites Course on Energy Technologies Corresponding module Specialization Option: EES I or II The overarching goal of this module is to enable the students to participate in research & development of advanced photovoltaic technologies, as well as to critically assess the potential…
Photovoltaic Lab
Course Photovoltaic Lab Instructor Prof. Dr. Stefan Glunz, Dr. Nico Johannes Tucher Ralph Müllerstefan.glunz[at]inatech.uni-freiburg.de Prerequisites Course Solar energy or similar course Corresponding module Specialization Option: Earth and Environmental Sciences I or II The Photovoltaic Laboratory provides an opportunity for hands-on experience with the PV-related topics introduced in the Solar Energy course. Students will get to…
Solar Energy
Course Solar Energy Instructor Prof. Dr. Stefan Glunz Prerequisites Successful completion of the course Energy (Technologies) at UCF Corresponding module Specialization Option: EES I or II, Electives • Solar Energy – Theoretical and Technical Energy Potential (black body radiation, Carnot cycle, maximum efficiencies,• Solar Energy Technologies – Tapping the sun’s energy (overview of conversion technologies,…
Grid Integration
Course Grid Integration Instructor Prof. Dr. Anke Weidlich Prerequisites Successful completion of the course “Energy Technologies” at UCF Corresponding module Specialization Option: EES I or II, Electives • Energy system overview – generation, transmission, distribution, consumption • Energy transport; power and energy definition • Power generation analysis • Transition of the energy systems; renewable energy…