Course Energy Policy Instructor Dr. Sibylle Braungardt S.Braungardt[at] Prerequisites Introduction to EES and/or Introduction to Governance Corresponding module Specialization Option: EES I or II, Human and the Environment, Specialization Option Governance I and II The transition towards an affordable, reliable and sustainable energy system is one of the key challenges the world is facing today….
Author: eesstudentsucf
Green Geneva: Visiting the Environmental Institutions of the UN
Post-exam time was all about global environmental politics. For two days, a group of 25 students participated in the first-ever UCF study visit to the environmental institutions of United Nations: the World Meteorological Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the United Nations Environment Programme. Needeless to say, we all know these instituations are the…
Environmental Controversies
Course Environmental Controversies (SS 19) Instructor Dr.Sabine Sane, Dr. Nicholas Buchanan sabine.sane[at], nicholas.buchanan[at] Prerequisites none Corresponding Module Research Design across Disciplines for left-over places only: Specialization Option: EES I or II, Elective module (Joker) How safe, or unsafe, is nuclear power; and who gets to define “safe,” and by what metric? Who is responsible for…
Energy Technology
Course Energy Technology Instructor Dr. Sabine Sané, Dipl. Ing. Johannes Erben sabine.sane[at] Prerequisites Introduction to EES Corresponding Module Specialization Option EES I or II, Elective One big challenge of the 21st century is the provision of a growing energy demand due to an increase in population and living standards without destroying the planet. In this…
Climate Change and Biodiversity
Course Climate Change and Biodiversity Instructor Dr. Benoît Sittler (SS 2019) benoit.sittler[at] Prerequisites Introduction to EES and/or Introduction to Governance Corresponding Module Specialization Option EES I or II, Human and the Environment Specialization Option Governance I or II, Electives Climate change and biodiversity are among the major environmental issues modern societies face. They call for…
Biodiversity loss & entomology- let´s get in touch with insects!
Course Biodiversity loss & entomology – let´s get in touch with insects! Instructor Vivien von Königslöw (WS 19/20) vivien.von.koenigsloew[at] Prerequisites Introduction to EES Corresponding Module Analytical methods, Specialization Option: EES I or II, Electives Journal headlines, media fuzz and even a referendum in Bavaria – insect decline is on everybody’s lips. But how much do…
Resources and Sustainability
Course Resources and Sustainability Instructor Dr. Sabine Sané sabine.sane[at] Prerequisites Introduction to EES and/or Introduction to Governance Corresponding Module Global Cycles of Matter and Material, Specialization Option: EES I or II, Advanced GOV I or II, Elective The growing human footprint on our planet is clearly shown by the enormous consumption of renewable (e.g. biomass…
Environmental Planning
Course Environmental Planning in response to climate change Instructor Dr. Arian Mahzouni (WS 19/20) Prerequisites Introduction to EES Corresponding Module Humans and the Environment, Specialization Option EES I or II In response to climate change and resource depletion, there is a global challenge to make our cities more sustainable and resilient. The solutions to current…
Pia, Class of 2017, Germany
In one or two words, what’s your main passion within EES? Sustainable systems Why did you choose to major in Earth & Environmental Sciences? It fascinates me how this whole complex system, the Earth, is constructed and how we, as a part of this system, are influenced and do influence it. I would like to…
Geology Internship
In September 2015 I completed my internship at the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center of Marseille (CINaM), a unit of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). The CINaM is located on the university campus of Luminy, in the Calanques of Marseille. This internship enabled me to receive a first working experience is the research sector,…